Firstfruits Rapture - August 29, 2024
Main Harvest Rapture - October 17, 2024
Second Coming of Christ to the earth - December 26, 2024
Bride of Christ is crowned / New Millennium begins - January 1, 2025
YouTube Channel: The Rapture Puzzle
We are right at the end of 6000 years since Creation and the fall of man according to the Bible. Just as God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th and one day is as a thousand years according to Scripture, so also at the end of the 6000 years, Christ will return to the earth to rule and reign for 1000 years.
Mr. Obama was chosen on the 7th day of Tabernacles in 2009 to receive the Nobel Peace Prize and then given the award just a few hours before the start of Kislev 24, the 2 dates mentioned in Haggai 2 regarding the Lord shaking the heavens and the earth and bringing the desired of all nations to Himself. These 2 dates are incredibly significant in this puzzle. I believe this was the start of Daniel’s 70th week (see Daniel 9:27). 1260 days after Mr. Obama was chosen as the Nobel Peace Prize winner, he went to the Church of the Nativity, which was a temple fortress that had been desecrated by armed forces and considered by many to be the most holy place on the earth, and he stood where he did not belong, and stopped the daily sacrifice and offering from taking place on that day. He rode into Jerusalem on a borrowed beast, just as Christ had done, right on the 10th day of Nisan on the Jewish calendar and then the abomination took place right on the 11th day of Nisan, which was the very date that Christ spoke to His disciples about the abomination event. Daniel tells us that from this date, there will be 1290 days, which ended on the Feast of Trumpets in 2016.
So, after the abomination event on March 22, 2013, we had a 40-day probationary period as was foreshadowed to us in the story of Jonah that ended on the 7th day of Unleavened Bread during the Second Passover. Daniel gives us a 1260 and 1335-day count that both started at this time, at the end of the 40-day probationary period, and these counts ended on the Day of Atonement and on the start of Hanukkah in 2016. At the end of the 40 days, however, we saw how that the Bride of Christ came together for 3 days of fasting and prayer for the Lord to have mercy on America. This was also foreshadowed to us in the story of Jonah and of Queen Esther. Mercy was granted and judgment was delayed. If you think this delay just happened and was not shown to us in the Bible, you are very wrong. Because God is all-knowing, He knew ahead of time that this would happen and He hid this delay in His Word. We are shown in Matthew 25:5 and Revelation 10:6 that the coming of the Bridegroom will be delayed. The desolation event was delayed and the days of the Great Tribulation were shortened, as Jesus told us that they would be in Matthew 24:22, when Jesus said, “And except those days had been shortened, no flesh would have been saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”
Rather than there being 1260 (360 X 3.5) days of Great Tribulation, there will be 140 (40 X3.5) days. This is a “time, times and half a time” using 40 days as the measurement of “time”, as we see patterned for us numerous times throughout the Scriptures, that a time of testing or a time in the wilderness is 40 days in length.
The judgment was to have started in the spring of 2016, just after the blood moons and solar eclipses on the Jewish feast days in 2014 and 2015. However, the year 2016 was an election year in America and I believe the Lord delayed His judgment further, in order to give America more time to turn back to Him. The year 2016 was also not a Jubilee Year, so a final 7 years had to be added in order to fulfill the prophecies about the Year of Jubilee. I personally believe that 2016/2017 ended the 6000 years from Creation, but the Lord is counting the 6000 years from the fall of man, rather than from Creation. The Book of Jubilees tells us that Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden for exactly 7 years before they fell. Therefore, I believe 2023/2024 ends the 6000 years from the fall of mankind and it is now time for the Bride of Christ to reign on the earth with the Lord for 1000 years.
This was all foreshadowed to us in the story of Joseph, with two 7-year periods, one of great abundance and one of famine, as well as the story of Jacob, who after working for 7 years had to then work an additional 7 years in order to marry his true love, Rachel. This was also foreshadowed to us twice in the Old Testament when the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Tabernacles were celebrated for 14 days rather than for 7 days. These stories were all meant to show us how the Lord was going to turn Daniel’s 70th week into 2 periods of 7 years and not just one.
Daniel 9:27 could be interpreted as this: “And he will confirm a covenant with many for the FIRST week.” Whenever the word “first” is used, it always implies that there will be a second one also.
Daniel’s 70th week is now finished (twice over) and it is now time to “finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, make reconciliation for iniquity, bring in everlasting righteousness, seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy” (see Daniel 9:24).
The Lord told us that He would shorten the days of the Great Tribulation for the sake of His elect, or His left-behind saints. We repeatedly see in the Scriptures a “time, times and half a time” mentioned in reference to the length of time of the Great Tribulation. The “time” was to have been a prophetic year of 360 days, for a total of 1260 days. However, this “time” has been shortened to 40 days, as we see foreshadowed in the patterns of the Scriptures that a time in the wilderness is 40 days and that the time of purification for the mother of a male child is also 40 days, along with numerous other examples left for us in the Scriptures pointing to the “time” of tribulation being 40 days. This leads us to a 140-day count (40 X 3.5) that started on August 8, 2024, at the time of the Firstfruits of New Wine Festival, and will end on December 26, 2024, at the start of Hanukkah. However, the Lord had one final 21-day delay that will push back the firstfruits rapture and start of the Great Tribulation to August 29, 2024 (see Daniel 10) in order to fulfill the prophesy given in 2 Baruch chapter 2 that the Great Tribulation for the left-behind saints will only last for 7 weeks.
Scriptures also show us that from the opening of the Abyss at the time of the first woe there will be 5 months (see Revelation 9). These months include Av, Elul, Tishrei, Chesvan and Kislev, or August, September, October, November and December.
In Revelation 14, we see 2 harvests or 2 rapture events. Earlier in the chapter, we see that the 144,000 firstfruits stand with the Lamb on Mt. Zion. In Revelation 7, we see the other 144,000 who have had to endure the Great Tribulation. We can see that the first rapture is to be a firstfruits rapture while the second is connected to the grape harvest, or Feast of Tabernacles, a 14-day wedding festival for those who are taken in the main harvest rapture.
In John 4, we see Jesus make a connection between the harvest being ripe and a 4-month waiting period. In Revelation 14, we see that the harvest of the earth is ripe at the first harvest.
Jesus said, "Do you not say FOUR MORE MONTHS until the Harvest?" Four months from when? The start of Unleavened Bread is on the fifteenth day of Aviv. It lasts for 7 days and the twenty-first day of the first month is the seventh day of Unleavened Bread. The seventh day of Unleavened Bread was when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, the walls of Jericho fell, Peter escaped from prison just before he was to be killed and the day when the silver and gold were first brought into the temple of the Lord. However, it was not until the twenty-fourth day of the first month that Daniel saw the Lord after a 21-day delay. If the 21-day delay started on the third day of Av (August 8, 2024), it should end on August 29, 2024.
It appears that there is a 4-month gap between the twenty-fourth day of the first month, when the Lord appeared to Daniel, and the twenty-fourth day of the fifth month (August 29, 2024). There is then another 4-month gap between the twenty-fourth day of the fifth month and the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, when the Lord told Haggai that He was going to rise up to shake the heavens and the earth (December 25, 2024).
Only 1/3 of the “day” and 1/3 of the “night” is without light, according to the fourth trumpet judgment of Revelation 8. I believe the Scriptures are showing us that counting from the start of the “Day of the Lord” on the eighth day of Tabernacles on October 7, 2023, until the end of the “Day of the Lord” on the fourteenth day of Hanukkah on January 8, 2025, the final 1/3 of this time period that started on August 8, 2024 (the Firstfruits of New Wine Festival), was to have been the day of the firstfruits rapture, as the wise virgins, the “light of the world”, were to have been removed from the earth. This is the 1/3 of the “day” that is without light. However, the Scriptures point us to one final 21-day delay that pushes back the firstfruits rapture and start of the Great Tribulation until August 29, 2024, and shortens the days of the Great Tribulation for the left-behind saints to just 7 weeks, as was prophesied by the prophet Baruch.
Likewise, counting from the seventh day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread during the Second Passover on May 30, 2024, until December 26, 2024, there is a 210-day count mentioned in Ezekiel 39 and only 1/3 of these days (70 days) will be completely without light as all believers in Christ will have been removed from the earth on the Day of Atonement, October 13, 2024, and total darkness descends at the wrath of God. This is the 1/3 of the “night” that is without light.